LICO-SHELTER is a back-end service based on a purely logical design, whose main function is to detect the user’s vital indicator data, analyze dangerous situations in real time and automatically alarm or call for help. Another function is to act as a LICO!! backup system, taking over the control of the whole LICO META when both online and local LLM services are unavailable. This backend is currently running on a single node on a trial basis, and distributed deployment is being considered to improve stability.
Vital Sign
LICO-SHELTER’s life detection link consists of a sports bracelet smartphone-backend server. Each link has a bi-directional link and end execution function. It mainly monitors heart rate blood oxygen sleep and gyroscope data and takes active alarm + push action when abnormalities are detected.
- For the linkage trigger and control function, the defensive weapon is still in debugging
- For LICO!!, the situational awareness function has been accessed