LICO!! - An AI Bot Agent System
An AI agent system based on LLM.
“LICO!!” 是一个基于大语言模型的没用的助理系统,LICO使用语音和文字与人进行交互,实现自动化信息处理、记忆、提醒、控制等功能。
“LICO!!” is a useless personal project for self-entertainment, aimed at piecing together various existing technologies into a personal AI assistant. Its goal is to achieve fully automated information processing, memory retention, reminders, control, and other functionalities, balancing cost and human-computer effectiveness.
(什么?这么强大的模型你们就只用它来玩 Role-Play 或者翻译和写代码?Man, what can I say…… )
特性 / Features
基础前端和后端 / Basic Frontend and Backend
🔲 分布式后端集群 / Distributed backend cluster
✅ 身份验证-加密 / Authentication-Encryption
✅ 基于网页的前端 / React Web App
✅ 基于 RN 的 APP / React Native Mobile App
✅ 定制硬件前端 / Custom hardware frontend
🔲 深度优化的硬件 / Deeply optimized hardware
外部控制 / External Control
✅ RSS 订阅-推送 / RSS subscription-push
✅ 音乐播放器 / Music player
✅ 语音唤醒-声纹识别-VAD / KWS-VR-VAD
✅ IoT 控制 / IoT control
其他特性 / Other Features
✅ 全流式语音交互 / Full voice-stream interaction
✅ 复合分层引导记忆 / Compound hierarchical guided memory
✅ 监控-警报-日志系统 / Monitoring-Alerting-Logging system
✅ 模糊指令匹配 / Fuzzy command matching
✅ 计划任务-工作流 / Task Scheduler-Flow
🔲 场景自适应 / Scene adaptation
🔲 主动式响应 / Proactive response
🔲 自迭代-无监督学习 / Self-iterative-Unsupervised learning
✅ 多系统冗余 / Multi-system redundancy
🔲 多平台统一推送 / Multi-platform unified push
✅ 成本控制 / Cost control
🔲 3D虚拟形象 / 3D Avatar
参考架构 / Arch
LICO!! v0.4.0
Memory System Arch (Legacy)
Interact System Arch
Audio Interaction System